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課程 2 之 15




美國國務院對於J1簽證學生的工作,有嚴格的規定,也就是說,同學們不是所有的工作都可以做喔! 一起來了解有關工作的規定吧!


去美國AIT 除了要攜帶護照及DS2019 之外,還有AIT海關必問的文件是什麼呢?
每年必問就是!!!【KNOW YOUR RIGHTS】小冊子,若面談當下回答不出,很可能被拒絕喔!!

廉‧威伯福斯(William Wilberforce, 1759-1833)英國人,他的名字在台灣鮮有人知,他可是提到廢除奴隸制度重要人士之一喔!!不過我們以往印象是美國第16任總統亞伯拉罕‧林肯(Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865)。此重要人物於2007年2月,拍成電影《奇異恩典》(Amazing Grace)。

啟發威伯福斯致力於廢奴制度的,應當是《奇異恩典》的詩歌作者約翰‧牛頓(John Newton)。電影中沒有呈現第一次威伯福斯與牛頓互動的過程,但在文獻中,牛頓第一次向人承認他曾擔任運送黑奴的船長,並為此深深懺悔。他在威伯福斯迷惘於政治洪流時,給予堅定的支持與勸勉:「我盼望並且相信主耶穌高舉了你,是為了祂的教會與我們國家的好處。」



這好人物也是【KNOW YOUR RIGHTS】小冊子,成小冊子的精神指標。希望大家透過文化交流同時,也有平等的工作權益及對待。






Every year the U.S. Department of State’s J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program brings over 300,000 foreign citizens to the United States to work, teach, and study. During these exchanges, participants strengthen their English language skills, connect with Americans, and learn more about the United States. These experiences not only form strong bonds between the exchange participants and the Americans they meet, but also create mutual understanding and cultural awareness in communities across the country and around the world. The State Department recognizes that ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of exchange visitors is of paramount importance. That is why the Office of Private Sector Exchange Administration (“OPA”) was created in 2013. OPA works with Exchange Visitor Program sponsors to respond to incidents that may adversely affect an exchange. Examples of incidents include death or serious injury, sexual abuse, arrest of an exchange visitor, or the involvement of an exchange visitor as a victim or perpetrator of a serious crime. This also includes any potential litigation related to a sponsor’s exchange visitor program in which the sponsor or an exchange visitor may be a named party. Information about what qualifies as an incident, as well as how and when to report it, can be found at J1visa.state.gov If you become aware of an incident affecting the health, safety, or welfare of an exchange visitor, please contact OPA right away using the following category-specific email addresses:

We want you to stay safe on your J-1 Exchange program, and we are here to help if an incident were to arise.

Welcome to the Exchange Visitor program for visitors on a J-1 Visa. Know that your safety is our first priority. Should you have a concern or complaint related to your program start by working directly with your local supervisor and your sponsor. Examples of concerns and complains include placement and employment issues, safety concerns, harassament or abuse, or if you or another student is the victim of a serious crime. When we receive a concern or complaint we log it into our case management system. Once a case has been logged it is assigned to a program analyst like me. I start fact finding and confirming details. We want you to know that our team works diligently, and without bias to gather all the relevant facts and see cases through to completion. Don’t hesitate to report a concern or complaint to us. Have fun and remember that we are here to help you if you need us.


  1. 雇用J1簽證的雇主,必須經過美國國務院認可的美國機構審核,機構會確認雇主的營業證照、資料及雇主提供的工作條件,有符合美國聯邦政府的規定,才可以雇用J1簽證的學生。
  2. 所有提供給美國暑期打工者的工作都必須是季節性或暫時性的,並且都需和美國在地公民進行溝通及互動,且是允許參與者體驗美國文化的雇主。
  3. 若是在大城市中(例如:邁阿密、紐約或洛杉磯等)暑期打工,雇主須具備以下條件:
  • 為季節性及暫時性的工作
  • 雇主必須同時雇用當地員工,不可以暑期工讀的學生取代當地員工的名額
  • 必須提供學生可負擔的、安全及適合的員工宿舍
The Enrollment Process

Registration is simple and free!

We review all employer registrations with each employer so that we can answer any questions you may have before we begin the recruitment and visa process. This helps us avoid any misunderstandings.

Tips for Offering Jobs With InterExchange Work & Travel USA


Most of our students expect to work between 35 and 40 hours per week. Many are willing to work overtime. If additional hours are not available, the J-1 Visa allows a student to get a second job. InterExchange emphasizes to students that a second job should not interfere with their primary jobs. If second jobs are available in your area, please let us know on the Employer Registration Form.


All of our students are covered by minimum wage and overtime laws as they apply from state to state. As of January 1st, 2015, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Where state law requires a higher minimum wage, the higher standard applies.

InterExchange students should be paid the same wages as American employees in the same position. If you are providing room and/or board we recommend that these costs be kept separate from the hourly wage. Students appreciate the transparency of having housing and food costs separate from their salaries. Please consult a tax professional regarding regulations if you are deducting housing and food costs from a student’s salary.


InterExchange realizes that most of the positions offered to students will vary according to the students’ skills, the season, and available hours. Positions must require minimal training and not displace American workers. Positions must allow routine interaction with Americans and others in the host community to allow for cultural exchange.


We ask that employers assist students with coordinating affordable, suitable accommodations before arrival. If you are unable to pre-arrange housing, InterExchange will only consider placing students at the job site if appropriate and affordable accommodation can be found quickly and easily upon the students’ arrival. Additionally, the employer should be available to provide advice and assistance in finding and securing accommodations. Please remember that for many of our students, this is their first time in the U.S., so they may be unfamiliar with how to find housing and will need your assistance.

Note: If a housing deposit is required, please make sure the students are given a receipt and that they clearly understand the rules and conditions regarding this deposit. If the students use bicycles, please encourage them to wear helmets, use lights, and obey all traffic rules.

Incentives and Bonuses

Some employers choose to offer students a performance bonus. or lump sum at the end of their program. The bonus is also a nice gesture because students often can use this money when they travel after their work commitment.

Note: Bonuses are not mandatory and generally cannot be deducted or withheld from regular pay.




工作類型為季節性及暫時性的工作,主要是觀光、餐旅服務業類性質的工作,例如: 餐廳、飯店、旅館、遊樂園、國家公園等所需的工作人員。





注意: 目前已經禁止J1學生在工廠或農場暑期打工囉!

想去美國暑期打工,但不太清楚可以工作的時間? 聽其他外國同學說可以5月就去? 


J-1 Student Availability

Work & Travel USA students visiting the U.S. on a J-1 visa are excited to bring a new culture to your business and are available to work for up to four months during their summer breaks. Start and departure dates vary according to students’ academic schedules. Availability also varies by country, see our table below.

The following dates are subject to change.


  1. 雇用J1簽證的雇主,必須經過美國國務院認可的美國機構審核,機構會確認雇主的營業證照、資料及雇主提供的工作條件,有符合美國聯邦政府的規定,才可以雇用J1簽證的學生。
  2. 所有提供給美國暑期打工者的工作都必須是季節性或暫時性的,並且都需和美國在地公民進行溝通及互動,且是允許參與者體驗美國文化的雇主。
  3. 若是在大城市中(例如:邁阿密、紐約或洛杉磯等)暑期打工,雇主須具備以下條件:
  • 為季節性及暫時性的工作
  • 雇主必須同時雇用當地員工,不可以暑期工讀的學生取代當地員工的名額
  • 必須提供學生可負擔的、安全及適合的員工宿舍

工作類型為季節性及暫時性的工作,主要是觀光、餐旅服務業類性質的工作,例如: 餐廳、飯店、旅館、遊樂園、國家公園等所需的工作人員。





注意: 目前已經禁止J1學生在工廠或農場暑期打工囉!


想去美國暑期打工,但不太清楚可以工作的時間? 聽其他外國同學說可以5月就去? 

Student Availability

Work & Travel USA students visiting the U.S. on a J-1 visa are excited to bring a new culture to your business and are available to work for up to four months during their summer breaks. Start and departure dates vary according to students’ academic schedules. Availability also varies by country, see our table below.

The following dates are subject to change.



  1. 會使暑期打工專案蒙上壞評之工作
  2. 強迫參加者先購買產品,再銷售產品以支援自身生活之工作
  3. 在私人家庭進行幫傭之工作(例如:幼兒看護、老人看護、園丁、司機)
  4. 三輪車司機或輪椅操作員等
  5. 任何需要駕駛執照的相關司機行業,包含載客或運送貨物等。
  6. 涉及醫療臨床看護或病人聯繫之相關
  7. 任何有關成人娛樂之工作(包含接待服務、成人書籍或影片商店、脫衣舞俱樂部)
  8. 工作時間主要為晚上10點至早上6點之工作
  9. 經勞動部長宣布對青少年有危害可能或冒險之工作(法條E of 29 CFR part 570)
  10. 需持續或長久與他人身體、血液或體液接觸之工作(例如:身體部位穿環、刺青、按摩、修指甲、髮型設計師)
  11. 即使沒有從事上述之工作,但在相關行業或店裡工作也是禁止的
  12. 以佣金為主要收入而無法根據聯邦規定支付參與者基本薪資之工作
  13. 涉及賭博或參賽之工作,包括指導參與者下注或參與賭博
  14. 涉及病蟲害防治、倉儲、目錄或線上購物物流中心相關工作
  15. 與旅遊博覽會或巡迴展覽、會議等相關之工作
  16. 需特定J1簽證類別的工作(實習生、志工、夏令營等)
  17. 在北美工業種類系統(NAICS)產品生產工業職業類別第11, 21, 23, 31-33行業(詳見)例如礦業、加工業、食品製造及一般製造業、石油、天然氣、木材、印刷、農林漁牧業、天然資源等
  18. 未經機構許可的工作
  19. 在購物中心擺攤或販賣車等
  20. 居家服務相關工作
  21. 倉儲類及工廠相關工作
  22. 需處理個人隱私及資訊的行政人員
  23. 經營承包商等相關工作
  24. 釣魚、漁業相關
  25. 需登門拜訪銷售之相關工作
  26. 生產線作業員、需使用工業用的機械設備;在類似工廠環境的地方工作
  27. 作為游泳池唯一的救生員
  28. 需操作切割相關的器具之工作
  29. 並非以時薪計酬,而是以件計酬或是津貼、獎金的形式
  30. 非暑期期間、非季節性的工作





